22 December 2008

berhubung gw lagi mau ngeluarin isi otak gw, gw keluarin aja sekarang

yep, there are 5 or maybe 10 things that i wanted to buy or to do, like :

1. buy new shoes with my own money
2. buy a motorcycle
3. ride a car
4. new notebook
5. learn photography
6. success in my music career
7. buy an alesis micron
8. be a better man
9. have a good life
10. success in future life

but, it'll need a lot of money, time, work and etc
i'm too lazy to collect money and working hard
i'm not hard worker type.
for number 2 it's impossible. why?it's a long story
i'll try to not to ask my parent to buy me the things above, cause i dont want they get involved with my business(jie) or we can say i want to be "mandiri"

i don't know what to say again haha why i wrote it in english?'cause i try to improve my english so i can fluently speak or write in english hahhaa

sorry for the terrible grammar or word, i'm just tryin' to do my best hahahhahahhaha

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